Argument against iterable ints...

Magnus Lie Hetland mlh at
Sun Apr 7 14:09:49 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1018117586.26522.python-list at>, James
Althoff wrote:
>I don't see how the above is even recursive, much less infinitely recursive.
>Could you elaborate?

def flatten(seq):
    try: iter(seq)
    except: yield seq
        for sub in seq:
            for item in flatten(sub):
                yield item

Anyway, I guess I shouldn't frame this as an argument against the
rejected PEP -- but rather _for_ a char type (to avoid having the
string "s" consist of the string "s" which again consists of the
string "s" etc., instead of consisting of the char 'c' which is not a
sequence...) But with the uproar against bool, I dare not do so ;)


Magnus Lie Hetland                                  The Anygui Project                        

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