Carbonized embedded MacPython

Matt M Sykes mattmsykes at
Mon Apr 8 10:00:30 EDT 2002


I would like to embed Python into an already-existing Carbon

The application is quite large, so removing/replacing all the Carbon
API calls would be infeasible at this point due to time constraints.
That is, I must use Carbonized Python libs.

I downloaded and installed MacPython22full.bin which contains some
Carbon libs.  I soon found that I didn't have any header files.

On to the source.  There are two places to obtain sources:
and the MacPython homepage,
Note is
a broken link at the MacPython homepage.

The source at the MacPython homepage does not have a configure script
nor a project file; how do I build it?  It does have *some* prj files
but none for building python.  Hoping for the best, I tried using
those header files to compile an embedded-python test program with my
Carbon libs.  My machine promptly crashed when I ran it.  To me this
means the header files don't match the libs I have.  The exact same
code runs perfectly on Windows and FreeBSD.

Next: sources from the ftp site mentioned at

This source appears to require the unix-type build environment on OS
X; the instructions are to run the configure script and compile with
the unix-type (GNU?) compiler using make.

>From what I understand, I must use the same compiler (same run-time
environment) to build both python and my target application if I wish
to embed python in the target application.

For political and practical reasons beyond my control, the target
application must use the Metrowerks compiler (I am not in charge of
the Mac builds, I'm just helping with the embedded python side of it).

There is a mwerks directory in the sources, but the README there is
clearly out of date as none of the files it mentions exist.  There is
one project file called 'frozen.prj' which appears to be out of date
also.  I am not convinced this was the source used to build the Carbon
MacPython at the MacPython website.  I believe Jack did some magic
which is not included here.

All I really need (I think) are the exact header files which were used
to build the Carbon libs which are available at the MacPython website,
as well as info on the precise build environment and settings.  The
good news is that it says the Carbon libs were built with the
Metrowerks compiler.

Is there anyone who has embedded Python into a Carbon app?  Is there
anyone who is able to build Carbon-MacPython from sources (using the
Metrowerks compiler)?

Any help would be appreciated.


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