problem running win32com.client application from commandline

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Tue Apr 16 00:19:02 EDT 2002

Tino Lange wrote:

> Is there a list of those useful commandline-switches for PythonWin 
> available? A "PythonWin.exe /?" or "PythonWin.exe --help" does not help.

Nope - look in pythonwin\pywin\framework\

> Just one more question - it seems that this OCX I want to script via python 
> has a form attached, that is filled under some circumstances - the return 
> value of the called function via COM is then not enough for me. 
> From looking at the Word-Macro that uses the OCX originally I can see that 
> there are some global variables shared between Word VBA and the OCX. Also 
> there's this form that s the same in Word and in the OCX. Those global 
> variables and the form are not accessible via the COM-Interface, but the 
> Word Macro seems to have access. (at least the makepy generated file does 
> not list them).
> Is there a way to get the form-handle and have access to the form and for 
> example some textual content?

Sorry, I have no idea - that is completely up to the OCX.


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