Safe eval?

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Tue Apr 16 17:30:07 EDT 2002

Philipp Lenssen:
>Is it possible to have a safe eval() on the server-side even when the
>consists of submitted user data?

What do you call 'safe'?  Ahh, your next post

> all that should be allowed is arithmetics (boolean as
> well) plus a limited set of functions that I write & define.

Will you allow "blahblahblahblah" * 2 ** 31 ? (which is a possible denial
of service attack if you don't have a few GB of RAM handy, since it makes
an 8GB string.)

If so, take a look at 'eval' in the documentation, under
Call it with an empty locals and an almost empty globals

  eval("2+3", {"__builtins__": {}}, {})

The "__builtins__" is needed because if an empty globals dictionary
is used then eval will set it to the current __builtins__, which
allows all sorts of hacks, like


                    dalke at

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