mass mailing

Jonathan Vanasco jvanasco at
Tue Apr 23 02:38:39 EDT 2002

>Is MailMan an option?
yes and no.. i've been pilfering code from it to get things working -- but 
having a mailman interface wont work.. everything needs to be custom and 
modding mailmain is too much a chore.  there's also a lot of mailman 
features that wont be supported, and i'd have to remove.

>Since smtplib functions at a level of individual messages, you'd need to 
>write your own bulk-handling utility that uses smtplib internally. 

yeah.. thats what i've figured.. i've been playing around with it lately, 
trying to move some of perl's Mail::Bulkmail features into python, based on 
the mailman code...  i think what is going to end up happening, is sorting a 
list of emails by domain name, then processing the domains into chunks of 
100 or less, and feeding those, via smtplib to postfix as a , delimited list 
(or so the rfc specks say will work)

ideally, that will mean 1 envelope/message per chunk -- so my bandwidth and 
qfiles could go down from anywhere between 100 and 0 %

the extra coding is worth it though -- checking through the mailman 
archives, someone from had major problems handling 50,000 emails.  
granted -- this project may never receive more than 100 emails.  but should 
it go higher, i want to be prepared.  and not recoding something under a 
shitty support rate vs an inflated development one :)

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