newbie dictionary question

Wolfgang Grafen wolfgang.grafen at
Sun Apr 21 19:02:49 EDT 2002

"James Chapman <" schrieb:

> Hi,
> I have a question about dictionaries. I've been coding up a system of
> objects that represents the reuslts of different auctions. One thing I've
> been doing constantly though is iterating over dictionaries where the keys
> are the prices of the bids and the values are the bids at that amount.
> I was wondering if there is an easy way to consolidate to dictionaries into
> one, where if they both have the same key the resulting value can be
> concatenated.
> Also is there any similar syntax for dictionaries like the list syntax
> "[some_function(x) for x in other_list]"?
> Thanks,
> James Chapman

>>> d1={'a':1,'b':2}
>>> d2={'c':3,'b':4}
>>> d1.update(d2)
>>> d1
{'b': 4, 'c': 3, 'a': 1}

Hope this is what you mean but consider that the value of 'b' in d1 will be
overridden by the value of 'b' in d2.


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