Newbie tip: Prg speed from ~5 hrs to < 1 minute

Jochen Küpper jochen at
Sun Apr 28 14:45:12 EDT 2002

On 27 Apr 2002 10:01:21 -0700 Terry Byrne wrote:

Thanks for your posting, but I don't understand the following:

Terry> Then I used the keyword "pass" whenever I ran an re since each
Terry> line can contain only one error; after running an re it's not
Terry> necessary to look for other error codes at all.

You are passing 'pass' to compile or search, or what are you doing
here?  Is this documented anywhere?  I could neither find it in the
manual nor the re HOWTO; maybe it's just me, though:O

Btw: An index would serve the HOWTO well:)) It is pretty hard to find
information in there in a non-linear way (that is, without reading all
of it over and over).  It's a nice document, but it is a little

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