pyRXP Memory Likage???

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Apr 18 05:31:56 EDT 2002

In article <c5f48de3.0204161113.14919d25 at>, Jose
Manuel Esteve <chema at> writes
>I have been playing with pyRXP and is incredibly fast as compared with
>minidom, also the memory footprint is smaller for one file, however if
>you loop for parsing a lot of xml strings the memory usage gets higher
>and higher as compared to minidom
>import pyRXP
>xml='<start><tag1>text here</tag1></start>'
>for i in range(0,100000):
>    tup=P.parse(xml)
>will show the behaviour
yikes, better get my debugging hat on :(
-simple failure is better than complex failure somtimes-ly yrs- 
Robin Becker

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