Is there a __start__ method?

Christopher Myers chris.myers at
Thu Apr 25 16:17:38 EDT 2002

I figured I'd try here first.

I have a gui app that I wrote mainly using Pmw with a few plain tkinter
widgets thrown in.  In my __init__method, I have another method that I
want to execute at startup that I call at the very end.  This method
sometimes takes quite a while to execute (it's accessing 3 separate
URL's), so the main window doesn't post until this is complete.  

What I want is something java-like, where there is an __init__ method
that builds the app, then a __start__ method (is that what it is in
Java?) is called which does other stuff on launch after the GUI is

Anything like this available?

Christopher Myers, Graduate Software Developer 
Ingenta, Inc.
12 Bassett St.
Providence, RI  02903
ph:  401.331.2014 x 102
em:  chris.myers at
aim: chrismyers001

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