Specifying a time from previous day

jrup jrup at mail.com
Sun Apr 14 13:32:44 EDT 2002


This is my first post to this group and I am new to python. I have some
experience with perl and vbscript for sysadmin-type scripting, but am not a

I need to search some log files, but only if they were created after 4:00pm
the previous day.

I've looked at the python time module and its documentation, and have
skimmed mxDateTime documentation. I'm using activestate python 2.1.1 and
would like to stay with it's native library since it's the one sanctioned by
our senior nt person (also not sure how it would interact with the
activestate install, or I'd try it).

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Is this doable using the
time module? I haven't had much luck figuring it out, yet.

Thanks very much,
Jim R

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