Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?

Michael Chermside mcherm at
Mon Apr 8 14:33:04 EDT 2002

> PEP 276 (Simple Iterator for ints) and PEP 284 (Integer for-loops), among
> others, are written from the perspective that the current integer for-loop
> syntax
>     for i in range(10):
> is a wart.  Is this true?  That is, where does the Python community stand on
> this issue?

I think it's a wart.

Actually, I have only two complaints. The first is a minor, almost 
conceptual point... just because I want to loop from 0 to 9 doesn't mean 
I should have to allocate memory for the list [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. The 
objection is more meaningful for longer loops. Of course, it's not a 
very strong objection, because I have options like:
               for i in xrange(10):
... but if I'm a beginner I might not know about that. And sometimes 
using range() is faster than using xrange() (I'm not clear on why). But 
this is really NOT an important objection and the more I consider it the 
less I care.

The second complain is significant (I think). That is the following:
        for i in range(len(mySequence)):
This is something that I use all the time, and more relevently it is 
something that BEGINNERS use all the time. I want Python to be REALLY 
easy for beginners. I argue all the time that Python is better than Java 
even on pure syntax. In java you have to do this all the time:
     Iterator i = myCollection.iterator();
     while( i.hasNext() ) {
         MyClass x = (MyClass);
         <code using x>
In python, that's as easy as this:
     for x in myCollection:
         <code using x>
or sometimes even this:
     [<code using x> for x in myCollection]
This is a real win for Python... having to type all that boilerplate 
every time I want to go through a list is painful... having syntax which 
makes COMMON things EASY, and UNUSUAL things EXPLICIT is a very 
important feature of Python.

Well, in my opinion, having to write
     for i in range(len(myList)):
begins to smack of too much boilerplate. Frankly, I'd be satisfied with 
option 2 from PEP 212, 
making it as simple as:
     for i in indices(myList):
Or I'd be satisfied with PEP 276 
(, although the fact 
that it would affect contexs other than loops makes me somewhat queasy.


It has been suggested that the awkwardness in using range() or xrange() 
for loops which are not half-open, or which have a step size other than 
1 is a problem in need of a solution. I say "Wart?" -- ie, I've never 
found it to be a problem myself. If I get confused while writing it, I 
just find a way to be more explicit... often resorting to a "while" loop 
instead of "for". Never thought it was any big deal.


Finally, the BDFL has proposed that release 2.3 avoid introducing new 
syntax. GREAT IDEA. While I do claim to see some warts, I wouldn't say 
that these are in any way a priority! Let's go for solidity first, and 
language design second... because the language design is already excellent!

-- Michael Chermside

Final commen

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