PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Arthur Siegel ajs at
Tue Apr 30 20:09:37 EDT 2002

These debates are difficult for some of us to follow.

Partly because all the participants reference other
language implements with which they are fluent.

I have some limited fluency in one language -

If I am concerned about the readability of my code
for other non-experts (and I usually am), I might
do a:

True = 1
False = 0

at a modules head and go from there.

I am not understanding what beyond that the
Boolean type accomplishes.

It would perhaps not detract from the debate
if the upside could be explained in terms that 
spoke to the practicalities of writing workable 
and readable code in Python, rather than in 
terms of language design theory and 
implementation internals.

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