ZPT : return a string HTML from a script python

Marco marcominutoli at supereva.it
Fri Apr 5 04:17:58 EST 2002

I have a ZPT and I want to print an HTML string (it's arrive from a
script python) inside it.

This is a piece of ZPT code that call the script "pyPrint"

--   <span tal:content="python:here.pyPrint
--        (folder=request['folder3'])">
--   </span>      

This is a script

--  message = "Result: <br>"
--  for folder in folder:
--      folder=container.pyString2list(string=folder.id)
--      rootFolder = container.restrictedTraverse(['',]) # container 
--      folderDaCancellare = rootFolder
--      folderPadre = None
--      for item in folder[1:]:
--          folderPadre = folderDaCancellare
--          folderDaCancellare = folderDaCancellare[item]
--      message = messaggio+folderDaCancellare.id
--      if folderPadre != None and
len(folderDaCancellare.objectValues()) == 0:
--          folderPadre.manage_delObjects(folderDaCancellare.id)
--          message = message + " cancellato<br>"
--      else:
--          messaggio = message + " non cancellato<br>"
--  return message

I want that the <br> tag will become a new line in ZPT page.

Sorry for my english

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