What has PEP 285 done to us?

Arthur Siegel ajs at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 10 03:58:26 EDT 2002

(This post may be in duplicate. If so apologies.)

Cliff writes -

>This was a direct attack on Guido's integrity, which was >uncalled for. You
*assumed* much about what he meant
>(perhaps he didn't make himself clear, but
>that's hardly grounds for labeling him a dictator) and when he >clarified
his position he became a liar.

I didn't label him a dictator. As far I understand he has labeled himself
such.  And the fact that he has is wonderful and honest - because he is and
should say so, and there is general agreement that software of this nature
cannot be designed by committee.

And being dictator he has the unique ability to issue the LION PEP. The LIKE

If Guido is concerned  - lets say -  about any code breakage issues he might
have missed lets limit discussion to that.

People don't waste time making arguments that will have no impact, Aahz
(oops, forgot we were suppose to be being nice) doesn't get to play friend
of the court, and at the end of the day folks decide to use or not use
Python, LION PEP included.

Clean and simple - and easier on everyone's treads.

And thanks, Cliff, for your thread.


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