Stackless goes Limbo

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Apr 26 06:25:05 EDT 2002

Andrew Henshaw wrote:

> While you're at it, you might want to look at Occam.  In my opinion, no 
> language handles channels as nicely as Occam.  [Sigh] PAR and ALT would 
> look so nice as Python keywords...

I took Limbo since it seemed to be one of the newest
parallel languages, and it was quite much simpler than
Alef. Sure, I will also take Occam into
account. At the moment, I'm trying to find the simplest
possible but yet most powerful set of primitives,
and I use the other languages to learn from and to lean
on, when I have to find names of functions.

Things like PAR and ALT could in fact convince me
to add new keywords to Stackless Python...

> Good luck!

thanks a lot - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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