Programming metaphors (Was: Programming as literature.)

Jarno J Virtanen jajvirta at
Mon Apr 22 11:01:32 EDT 2002

Mon, 22 Apr 2002 14:36:36 +0100 phil hunt wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2002 10:50:37 GMT, Jarno J Virtanen <jajvirta at> wrote:
>> [on reliable software compontents]

> Data structures such as lists and dictionaries.
> Built-in libraries such as those for windowing, TCP/IP 
> communication, etc.
> Automatic storage management.

Yes, I agree. These components (or whatever one would like to call them)
are a significant contrubution and this is where Python rocks and rules.
Especially the standard library part that *as included to the language
distribution itself* is a major advantage. But still, there's a limit
where a language and its modules can take you. Major part of the
complexity is still in the so called business logic which implements
the connections and dependencies of the actual domain (or even the
unique domain of the customer organization or whatever it happens to

It seems to me that the "batteries included" part of language
relates strongly to some technological aspect of the programming, ie.
handling storages, handling UIs, speaking with specific protocols
and so on. It definitely makes software development easier but 
not by far makes it redundant. 

> Imagine having to write a mailer or newsreader without any of them.

I prefer not to imagine, but yes, I got the point. ;-)

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