lint for python?

Roy Smith roy at
Sat Apr 27 08:37:31 EDT 2002

I committed an interesting error just now.  I've got a list, foo, and meant 
to type:


but left out the parens and ended up with:


in my program by accident.  From python's point of view, it's not an error, 
so no error message was produced.  Even more interesting, both forms leave 
foo as a list, with the same elements, so no exceptions got raised as I 
continued to process the list further down in my program.  My program 
simply didn't do what wanted it to.

So, my question is, is there such a thing as lint for python?  Something 
like "foo.sort" could have generated a warning, "non-call of function", or 
"rvalue with no assignment", or some such.  It's certainly not something I 
want the regular interpreter to do, but as a quality control tool, having 
something that warns of questionable constructs is often useful.

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