PSA revival - kind of?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Apr 26 15:28:09 EDT 2002

Dear friends,

since the PSA has vanished, Starship has been a
bit stumbling, because PSA membership was the
single requirement for membership.

Starship was quite a good supporter for PSA,
it raised the number of members considerably.

Couple of days ago, I got the idea to use the
new Python magazine subscription as a replacement,
which would give us something similar, and it
would help PyZine very much to grow.

Today, I think we can do even better:

I would like to start the SPA:

    Starship Python Activity

as a non-profit organisation.

Here the proposed layout:
SPA membership costs USD 25 by the year.
This price includes Starship membership
and a continous subscription to PyZine.

The generated extra money will be used
for sponsoring of projects, programming
contests, a gift to the Starship webmaster,
there are many opportunities.

I think this potential should not be
wasted any longer.

Please send me your encouragements and objections,
I'd like to do it :-)

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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