need encryption algorithm

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Mon Apr 22 22:21:33 EDT 2002

h.e.w.frater at (Hugh) writes:
>   I need a simple encryption algorithm that will not give me
> characters that I can't store in my oracle table. At the moment I'm
> using the rotor encryption module because I like it's simple interface
> but It's generating characters that oracle can't store which is a damn
> pain. What other modules are available that are easy to use and will
> do what I wan't. 

The simplest thing is take run the ciphertext through
binascii.hexlify.  That turn it into hex characters, which should
store ok in just about any database, but of course it doubles the
length of the text.

Note that the rotor module is dreadfully insecure and you should use
something better.

> Remember that security is not paramount here, I'm only including it
> for functionality.

That's not a valid reason to use bad cryptography.  If someone wants
encryption functionality, it's because they want to secure their data
against unauthorized inspection and they feel that the access controls
already provided by Oracle and the system it's running on are
insufficient.  Adding a layer of tissue paper encryption may create a
false sense of security for the user, while failing to stop a serious
attacker.  It's a bad idea.

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