PIL, printing on win32

Roach, Mark R. mrroach at uhg.net
Fri Apr 19 17:22:02 EDT 2002

Hello, all I am trying to print some images using PIL in win32. Through
much trial and error I have come up with the following

    ... create printer dc etc ...
    dc.SetWindowOrg((0, 0))
    dc.SetWindowExt((10, 10))
    dc.SetViewportOrg((0, 0))
    dc.SetViewportExt((mag, mag))  # set the image magnification
    pilDisplay.expose(dc.GetHandleOutput())  # pilDisplay is an ImageWin.Dib

now, the problem is that I get 10 meg spool files. This is better than I
had been getting when I scaled the PIL image before expose()ing it to
the printerdc, but still seems like too much for a 68k image. Does
anyone know of a way to improve this?

Thanks for your help,

Mark Roach

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