2.1 vs. 2.2

Christopher Saunter Christopher.Saunter at durham.ac.uk
Sun Apr 14 10:48:30 EDT 2002

Jens Baader (nospam at nospam.com) wrote:

: "The Python interpreter is very stable"*30000

: At least at my system the interpreter promptly
: hangs itself. I guess I just found my first bug..
: (not bad I just read the first few pages of the
: tutorial)

Probably not a bug...  If I do that from Python
under a win32 console, things get silly as Python
spends the next five minuites printing stuff out.

If I run that from IDLE, it apears to hang, but 
it's actually just spending a few minuites
drawing rather a lot of text, before responsivity
returns.  I know this through having accidentally 
printed the odd 10^4 by 10^4 array in IDLE by

	Chris Saunter

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