Easter Eggs

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Wed Apr 10 05:46:14 EDT 2002

Philip Swartzleonard:
>Wouldn't a more likly WoP around here be something like 'NI!' =)

Nah.  That went out of popularity in 1.4 when the 'ni' module
was replaced by 'knee'.  But it wasn't meant to be used and I
just found out that knee.py was removed from Lib a couple days
ago and moved to Demo/imputil.

So the proper WoP in that lineage is "IMPUTIL!"  Or maybe "IMP".
Or perhaps "BUILT-IN".  It depends, really.

Regardless, Python is now no longer the language that says "NI!".

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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