Python vs. Perl, which is better to learn?

James J. Besemer jb at
Tue Apr 30 13:29:45 EDT 2002

David wrote:

> I have a lot of experience in ANSI C/C++, I want to learn a new
> language and which it can help me in the work.
> I just want to clear which(python or perl) is more comfort for me?
> --

Even without knowing your background I think one can confidently predict
that Python will be lots more "comfortable" for you, at least if you are
at all normal.

Both languages are of comparable power and capability.  Perl has been
around longer so it has attracted a wider following, though Python is
gradually catching up.

Python is a carefully designed language with a few consistent rules.
It's a first-class programming language.

Perl is a hodge-podge of random features and syntax thrown together.
It's more like a super-fancy C-Shell scripting language.

I think it's a known fact that the amount of goofy punctuation in Perl
will lower your productivity by 20-30% and shorten your life by several
years.  ;o)

I mean really, a variable is one of the most common "objects" in any
programming language.  What the frig is with having to prefix every one
with a dollar sign (or some other particle of punctuation)?  What the
frig is with NOT being able to define the arguments to your

Perl appeals to gnomes who like programming tricks, secret handshakes
and language puns.  Python tends to attract people who value clarity of
expression   You will continually be perplexed, surprised, frustrated
and amazed (in a bad way) with Perl.  You will be continually pleased,
encouraged, rewarded and amazed (in a good way) with Python.

Of course if you asked a Perl group they'd say you'd be better off with
Perl.  But they'd be lying.  ;o)



James J. Besemer  503-280-0838 voice  503-280-0375 fax
mailto:jb at

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