String interpolation question

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Mon Apr 15 16:50:40 EDT 2002

Quoting Fernando Pérez (fperez528 at
> y=[5,6]
> i=1
> I want to print y[i]. The following fails:
> print '%(y[%(i)s])s' % locals()
> as does the simpler
> print '%(y[%(i)s])s' % locals()
> but I don't want that because in my real problem, the string is long and I 
> don't want the dangers of positionally matched %s arguments.

Given your constraints, I think I'd prefer:

>>> print "%(val1)s" % { 'val1': y[i] }

Or if you insist on using locals() (a habit I find at least as
dangerous as positional arguments):

>>> z = y[i]
>>> print '%(z)s' % locals()

On the other hand, if you're looking at a long y and multiple values
of i (though your example provides no such hint), I'd prefer:

d = {}
for indx in range(len(y))
  d['y_%d'%indx] = y[indx]

s = '%%(y_%d)s' % (i,)
print s % d

If none of these solutions seem to satisfy your needs, maybe you
should be a little more explicit about the problem domain. If one of
the requirements is that it be a one-liner, I'm not sure if I can

On the other hand, if what you really want is to push the string
interpolation PEP, well, I'm just trying to help, not trying to argue
for or against a feature. As long as I don't hafta use the feature,
and I don't hafta work around the feature, I don't mind if the
feature's present.


Geoff Gerrietts             "If life were measured by accomplishments, 
<geoff at gerrietts net>     most of us would die in infancy."       --A.P. Gouthey

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