newbie-question: extending python with c++

Luigi Ballabio ballabio at
Tue Apr 16 07:12:53 EDT 2002

At 11:10 AM 4/16/02 +0200, Siegfried Gonzi wrote:
>I think it is not inappropiate to post here the instruction (thought I
>got it due to private mail; but there is no private junk in it and hence
>I believe the original author does not mind: author: Luigi Ballabio; I
>augmented Luigi's B. stuff with the pointer stuff and some other

I don't mind at all. However, there's one point which can be further 
detailed : I didn't in my original post since you specified that you 
weren't using SWIG with the -shadow option.
If one does instead, the shared extension should no longer be called but, and a Python file is generated.
In this case, the call to setup() should read:

setup(name         = "Example",
        description  = "Example Python extension",
        py_modules   = ["example"],                   # add the .py file
        ext_modules  = [Extension("examplec",         # rename the extension

                                  libraries = [],
                                  define_macros = [],
                                  include_dirs =
                                  library_dirs = [],
                                  extra_compile_args = [],
                                  extra_link_args = [])


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