[OT] What is Open Source?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Apr 17 07:31:36 EDT 2002

To begin with, let me apologize to Dr. Mertz for the unwarranted ad
hominem smear I committed.  That was evil.

>>>>> "Andrae" == Andrae Muys <amuys at shortech.com.au> writes:

    Andrae> However to attempt to suggest that the terms themselves
    Andrae> have not been well defined is dishonest.

Who said "free software" or "open source software" is ambiguous?
(Admittedly, the definition of "free software" _is_ inherently
incomplete.  The FSF explicitly says that the criteria will be revised
to rationalize their judgements about individual licenses ex post.)

Those discussing these things have long since published definitions,
agreed to accept each others' definitions, _and they have also long
since agreed that for the purposes of most discussions comparing the
broad idea of open source with that of free software, "free software
== open source software"_.  Huaiyu clearly found Tim Peters's
contribution in that vein useful.  So his _question_, and the
appropriate answer, were ambiguous.

I personally prefer the kind of answer based on abstracting from the
miniscule differences, but recognize the answer that David Mertz
prefers as a valid, but equally partial, alternative.  Dr. Mertz's
refusal to recognize this ambiguity, however, is an error.

    Andrae> To attempt to cast someone who objects to this as some
    Andrae> raving idealogue,

You're right, I was wrong to do this.

    Andrae> and thereby dismiss them with casual wave handling as a
    Andrae> self declared 'seeker of truth' (tm) is the most appalling
    Andrae> piece of intellectual hypocracy I have seen for some time.


Actually, I have to laugh at myself, because I was in fact wrong to
assert that the sets of licenses/covered programs are the same, and
Huaiyu led me to truth.  Believe me, I didn't plan that, but there is
proof: I was seeking (despite being fairly sure I already had the
answer) and I found.<wink>

Satori-remains-out-of-reach-ly y'rs


Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences     http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
              Don't ask how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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