Bizarre keypressevent and keypress release behaviour

Garry Taylor gtaylor at
Tue Apr 9 10:48:03 EDT 2002

I just upgraded to QT 3.03 from QT 2.something, and amongst the
incompatabilities I experienced, this is the one that I cannot trace.
keypressevents generally speaking do not work, but keypressrelease
generally speaking do. However, it's really only shift,control, and
alt I am interested in but get this:

For shift, only release works.
For Ctrl, both work,
For Alt,  press works, but release does not, but press it again, and
press does not work, but release does, and turn about, so basically
press and release work every other time, turn about.

I use PyQt 3 to hook up to it, when I used QT 2 and PyQt 2, I had no
such problems, I am using Python 2.2. Does anyone know what is going
on here or had a similar problem?



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