Anyone need a program written?

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Tue Apr 2 19:15:43 EST 2002

In article <3caa39b1$1 at>, jeffbi at 
> I had heard of wxPython (seen it mentioned in various posts here)
> but I hadn't made the connection (doh!) --- I didn't know it was a
> wrapper around wxWindows, I just assumed it was another Win32
> implementation of Python.
> Thanks again,

Glad to help.  :)  If you're at all familiar with wxWindows, then 
wxPython should make you feel right at home.  It's mostly a 
pretty thin wrapper, with some differences due to language 
incompatibilities (methods return tuples instead of using 
reference parameters, multiple method names stand in for 
overloaded versions, and plain functions stand in for static 
methods), though some aspects of wxWindows that are already 
present in Python are not wrapped (threads, for example).

The wxPython-users mailing list is also *very* informative, and 
Robin Dunn (the maintainer of wxPython) puts an amazing amount of 
effort into helping people out.  


Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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