Include zlib.dll in McMillan Installer

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Thu Apr 11 09:28:46 EDT 2002

Harald Schneider wrote:

> is there a possibility to include zlib.dll into the single file
> distribution of the installer?
> E.g. PIL uses zlib and complains about missing it on some systems.

In ancient days (1.5.2), zlib.pyd loaded zlib.dll. But
since then, zlib.pyd has changed to statically link in
zlib, so zlib.dll should not be needed (in fact, it
doesn't exist in the distribution).

Installer will always include zlib[.pyd/.so], unless 
your installation doesn't have it, or you turn it off
by editting config.dat. Windows comes with zlib.pyd,
so I expect it's there (you can check with
to see if it's in the exe).

So more details are needed.

-- Gordon

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