Py needs cust nwsclt for mngg eg nntp xrefs ?

Boris Borcic borcis at
Mon Apr 15 06:52:39 EDT 2002

Claims :

(1) the PEP process augments the contrast along an axis
of variation of purpose of c.l.p. messaging : pertaining
to PEP-proposal-grade changes of the design of Python,
or not. Some messages do better along that scale, others
do less well.

(2) such discussion relates typically many points, which
need to be cross referenced for facilitating review of

(3) part, but part only, of this cross-referencing is
provided by the NNTP thread protocol as supported by
news clients.

(4) with batteries included, python is powerful enough to
provide out-of-the-box a news client and special protocol
tuned to needs of its communal development.

(5) for particular discrete installation of such a special
protocol, an implementation by a custom "transparent firewall"
could be provided, providing eg local through-the-web interface
along with further features; backside of course interfacing
with current-world python "people's protocols".

(6) *the* particular feature of that client protocol, we
would like to have, is facilitating the construction of
button interfaces to earlier messages, eg back-references,
*not* having to follow from the NNTP threading protocol,
even for people using news client UI designed under the
opposite assumption.

(7) the main claim being that *treedagging* is a natural
primitive operation on reasonable contributions to pep
processing. Treedagging is just a portmanteauname we construct
to express an operation that takes forests as purest initial
input (nntp threads form forests) and transputs/outputs DAGs -
Directed Acyclic Graphs.

(8) the purpose is that given such an uniformly distributed
power to knot thread and thread branches, natural dagging experts
will shine well enough, to a "recording representation" s.t.
when ever the BDFL comes to the community as has been the
case with PEP 285 ("I have enough feedback to last me for a
lifetime") he will find it easier to demonstrate his
decision not leaving people with the feeling that he missed
a point.

(9) as a consequence of purpose (8), people eg "ego-driven
by the will of making themselves heard or approved by group
hotshots", will themselves learn that "the system" proportions
their visibility to the quality of their contribution to
diagonal cross-referencing of newsgroups threads, and thus
will themselves save a better attention to that factor.

(10) a further python project would be that of the ngfaqbot.
This means the perfected UI would allow newbies to gain
system credit/weight by risking themselves to assert that point
such-and-such is "#N by the ngfaqbot". This seems to mean that
we should expect the PEP-list to map to a FAQ-list that
would perhaps inherit some of its ordinals.

(11) newbies would be competing with a standard distribution
python AI and site, itself managing the mapping-to-faq of
elementary interventions on the newsgroup using AI software
technology implemented in standard python. Competing newbies
would be rewarded any time an expert confirms that their
intervention saved from a potential or actual AI error and
deserves mention as a motivation to update the latter.

(12) Couldn't this turn into a diatribe on it being below
Python to see it's BDFL using so crude and unsubtle a kill
file technology ? Kill files analogues are everybody's problem
today ! It's Python's mission to provide the newbie user and
the py community expert worker and designer as well, with
a design for newsgroup effective bandwidth enhancement that's
more up to date !


Boris Borcic
"Art is a trigram"

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