The $HOME of Windows.

Markus Schaber markus at
Fri Sep 21 07:17:08 EDT 2001


Gillou <nospam at> schrub:

> This is not pure Pyhtonic problem but...
> I'm looking for a place to store user settings in a portable Python
> app. For Unix users, I use ~/.myapp.defaults
> What's the equivalent for Windoze (I don't want to use the registry).
> Knowing that the path to this "My documents" folder depends on wether
> it's Win98, Win2000 (...) and on the locale.

As far as I know, the Multi User Wins (NT, 2000, XP) and - when using a 
network profile from a Win PDC also 9X/ME - define an environment 
variable HOME that points to the users home directory.


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