Html E-mail --Please Read

fett at fett at
Thu Sep 20 21:29:16 EDT 2001

It has come to me pretty obvious that you are a windows user.  Yet I
have no idea on your abilities or knowledge about other operating
systems, and therefore I will not make judgements.  But in case you
didn't know there ARE other people out there using different systems. 
Now even though we use many different systems and os's and all we can
still communicate.  You want to know why, well because we ALL use the
standard world wide, text.  Yes plain text, so no-one needs to worry
about a new virus being spread, so everyone even thoose sitting in front
of some unix system using only command line e-mail can understand you,
no text doesn't have flashy graffics and neon lights and so on, but when
e-mail started it wasn't intended for that, it was intended to connect
people through a common source of communication that all with a simple
computer and connection to the internet could access.  Now Microsoft has
changed the direction into a community where only thoose who want their
software can communicate with thoose that do, but you still have a
choice you can communicate with the standard of the rest of the world,
or just keep on using whatever Microsoft spoon-feeds you.  If you really
want your questions to be viewed by as many of the intelligent minds on
this list as possible please use the standard that is not only the
standard for a few, but the standard for all.


John 11:25 "Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who
believes in me will live, even though he dies;" --
Daniel Hammond-[ x = 'fleltltl at ltlrlaldlelrlsldlaltlal.lclolml'
emailaddress = string.replace(x, 'l', '')]

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