What is Python good for?

Courageous jkraska at san.rr.com
Fri Sep 14 14:29:12 EDT 2001

>> There's abundant evidence, in my estimation, that the
>> mass of programmers who "hand-tune C code" *degrade*
>> their applications' performance.

I can only suppose you believe this true because you believe
that "the mass of programmers who 'hand-tune C code'" do so
blindly. Those of us who use profiling tools, however, most
certainly do _not_ degrade application performance. In this
context, the claim is absurd on its face.

But perhaps you are correct. Perhaps the majority of C-code
tuners don't profile. Is that what you are saying?

Because surely you're not claiming that someone who uses a
profiler is "degrading" their applications performance.


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