Cygwin Python -- Thread or not to thread...

Andy Todd andy_todd at
Tue Sep 25 21:19:35 EDT 2001

Jason Tishler <jason at> wrote in 
<mailman.1001431406.27994.python-list at>:

>..that is the question.
>Last week, I was about to release my next Cygwin Python distribution with
>threading enabled for the first time.  Although there is one known Cygwin
>pthreads race condition that can cause a hang, this issue was not tickled
>(so far) whenever I ran the regression for Python CVS.  Unfortunately (or
>fortunately depending on your perspective), while running the regression
>test on Cygwin Python 2.1.1, test_threadedtempfile hung due to the above
>mentioned problem.
>So I am asking the Cygwin Python community the following:
>    Should I still release my next Cygwin Python distribution with
>    threading enabled?  Or, should I continue to disabled threading
>    until the above known Cygwin pthreads issue is resolved?

I'd say no. As more knowledgeable contributors have pointed out this isn't 
an isolated issue and may cause unforseen problems. I'd stick with 
disabling threads as a default for the time being.

[snip statement of problem and issues]
AFAIK it *is* possible to download the source package and make it on 
cygwin, so perhaps this is the approach more adventurous users should use. 
As cygwin auto selects and installs binary packages I would suggest these 
should be as rock solid as possible. 

Leave the bleeding edge stuff to those who are prepared to suffer the paper 


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