Newbie faq question

Markus Schaber markus at
Wed Sep 26 05:00:12 EDT 2001


Chap <stuff_stuffstuff at> schrub:

> Can a python program be run in its very own application window?

Yes, there are lots of modules that allow the creation of windows. I 
actually remember:

tkinter is included in the standard python and interfaces the TK
   toolkit (multiplatform, known from the TCL scripting language).

wxpython is an interface to the wxwindows library, which works as an
   wrapper to different low-level toolkits on multiple platforms.

pyqt is a binding to the qt class library (GPL under linux, commercial
   for win but with a free beer license for non-commercial use)

PyGTK is a binding to the GTK tool kit (which is utilized e. G. by gimp
   and gnome, but not completely stable under Win32)

anygui is a python module that tries to wrap this and some other tool
   kits under a single API.

Under windows, one can also directly call the win32 API using the 
ActiveState distribution.

>     also, what would one use if they were trying to access the
>     interenet
> (i'm thinking as a web-bot/crawer)

You can open tcp connections for this, or use higher level http 
functions. There's also xml/html parser framework here.

Just klick around at and you will finde much of it. 
Searching at sourceforge, freshmeat or google also gives much hits.

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bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights 
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