Python code for organizing photo albums for web presentation

Will Ware wware at
Mon Sep 3 23:04:57 EDT 2001

This code organizes photos from a digital camera for putting
together 56k-modem-friendly web pages using 100x75 thumbnails.
A real-life example is at


import types, string, os


class Picture:

     def __init__(self, picture, text=""):
         assert type(text) == types.StringType
         self.text = text
         if type(picture) == types.StringType:
             self.picture = picture
         elif type(picture) == types.IntType:
             self.picture = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FORMAT % picture
         elif isinstance(picture, Picture):
             self.picture = picture.picture
             raise TypeError, ("what kind of image is this? " +
         self.thumbnailFor = None   # reference to larger picture
                                    # from thumbnail

     def toHtml(self, partOfPanorama=0):
         r = ""
         if self.text: r = r + self.text + "<p>\n"
         r = r + "<img src=\"" + self.picture + "\">\n"
         if (not partOfPanorama):
             if self.thumbnailFor != None:
                 r = (r + "<a href=\"" +
                      self.thumbnailFor.picture + "\">FULL SIZE</a>\n")
             r = r + "<hr>\n"
         return r

     def thumbnail(self):
         if self.thumbnailFor != None:
             raise RuntimeError, "this is already a thumbnail"
         img = self.picture
         n = string.index(img, ".")
         teenyName = img[:n] + "TEENY" + img[n:]
         # find out if we really need to do the expensive 'convert'
             inf = open(teenyName)
         except IOError:
             cmd = "convert -geometry 100x75 " + img + " " + teenyName
         thumbnail = Picture(teenyName, self.text)
         thumbnail.thumbnailFor = self
         return thumbnail

class Panorama:

     def __init__(self, rowscols, piclist, text=""):
         assert type(rowscols) == types.TupleType
         assert (type(piclist) == types.TupleType or
                 type(piclist) == types.ListType)
         assert type(text) == types.StringType
         self.rows, self.cols = R, C = rowscols
         assert type(R) == type(C) == types.IntType
         assert len(piclist) == R * C
         self.text = text
         self.piclist = [ ]
         for p in piclist:
             self.piclist.append(Picture(p, ""))
         self.thumbnailFor = None

     def toHtml(self):
         r = self.text + "<p>\n<table>"
         R, C = self.rows, self.cols
         for i in range(R):
             r = r + "<tr>\n"
             for j in range(C):
                 r = (r + "<td>" +
                      self.piclist[j + i * C].toHtml(1) +
             r = r + "</tr>"
         r = r + "</table>\n"
         if self.thumbnailFor != None:
             r = r + ("<a href=\"" + +
                      "\">FULL SIZE</a><hr>\n")
         return r

     def thumbnail(self):
         if self.thumbnailFor != None:
             raise RuntimeError, "this is already a thumbnail"
         myOldPiclist = self.piclist
         img = myOldPiclist[0].picture
         n = string.index(img, ".")
         bigPanoramaName = img[:n] + "PANORAMA.html"
         bigPanorama = Panorama((self.rows, self.cols), myOldPiclist, 
                             self.text) = bigPanoramaName
         piclist = [ ]
         for p in myOldPiclist:
         self.piclist = piclist
         self.thumbnailFor = bigPanorama
         bigPanoramaAlbum = PhotoAlbum("Another big panorama")
         outf = open(bigPanoramaName, "w")
         return self

class PhotoAlbum:

     def __init__(self, title):
         self.title = title
         self.guts = [ ]

     def toHtml(self):
         r = ("<html><title>%s</title>\n" +
              "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n" % self.title)
         r = r + "<h1>%s</h1>\n" % self.title
         for x in self.guts:
             if type(x) == types.StringType:
                 r = r + x + "\n"
                 r = r + x.toHtml() + "\n"
         return r + "</body></html>\n"

     def h1(self, x):
         assert type(x) == types.StringType
         self.guts.append("<h1>" + x + "</h1>\n")

     def h2(self, x):
         assert type(x) == types.StringType
         self.guts.append("<h2>" + x + "</h2>\n")

     def h3(self, x):
         assert type(x) == types.StringType
         self.guts.append("<h3>" + x + "</h3>\n")

     def text(self, x):
         assert type(x) == types.StringType

     def picture(self, picture, text=""):
         self.guts.append(Picture(picture, text))

     def panorama(self, rowscols, piclist, text=""):
         self.guts.append(Panorama(rowscols, piclist, text))

     def thumbnail(self):
         guts = self.guts
         for i in range(len(guts)):
             x = guts[i]
             if type(x) == types.StringType:
             elif isinstance(x, Picture):
                 guts[i] = x.thumbnail()
             elif isinstance(x, Panorama):
                 guts[i] = x.thumbnail()
                 raise RuntimeError, repr(x)

def main(album, argv):
     if len(argv) > 1:
         if argv[1] == "-t":
             print "<!-- Doing thumbnails -->"
             raise RuntimeError, "unknown option: " + argv[1]
     print album.toHtml()

================= example usage =========================


import photos

Z = photos.PhotoAlbum("Ware's Southwestern USA Vacation, June-July 2000")


Z.picture(2, """Here is one of those automatic watering things that creates
the circular crop fields you see from the airplane window.
The axis of rotation is at the far end.""")

Z.panorama((1,2), (3,6), """Here is the Continental Divide, in
Colorado. This is on the way to Mesa Verde National Park in the
southwestern corner of Colorado.""")

# ... several more photos ....

Z.panorama((1,3), (90, 89, 88), """On to Albequerque, and the National
Atomic Museum at the air force base there. This is a B-52, a huge
friggin behemoth of an airplane.""")

Z.picture(93, """B-52 (vainly): Does my butt look fat to you?""")

if __name__ == "__main__":
     import sys
     photos.main(Z, sys.argv)

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