[OFF-TOPIC] CALL FOR IDEAS for Improving Airline Security

John Landahl jlandahl at infostrategist.com
Thu Sep 27 18:44:09 EDT 2001

CALL FOR IDEAS for Improving Airline Security
relating to the Sept. 11 terrorist incidents

    Have you come up with a good idea for improving airline security in the
wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist incidents?  Or have you heard a worthwhile
idea brought up around the dinner table or the office water cooler?  Or in a
coffee shop or a neighborhood tavern?  Don't let these ideas be lost!  Even
a little idea may be a help when combined with other ideas.  And even an
idea that seems bizarre at first glance may contain the seeds of a more
practical one.

     I have just established a Web site called www.webempower.com
(http://www.webempower.com) to provide a public forum allowing individuals
to gain national visibility for cost-effective ideas that might otherwise be
overlooked to reduce the vulnerability of commercial airline flights to
terrorist hijackings like those of Sept. 11 (an example of an idea for an
immediate, zero-cost change would be to encourage rather than discourage the
use of cellular phones in flight).  Ideas can be submitted in four different
categories:  general, technological, communications, and whimsical
(obviously impractical but perhaps stimulating).

     I am operating this site as a public service.  To encourage the
broadest possible participation, IP addresses of visitors are not recorded
and anonymous postings are permitted. (Irrelevant messages and messages
containing offensive language will be removed, however.)  And if you find
out about any similar sites, please let me know and I will post links to

John Landahl
Seattle, WA

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