.NET and Python

Alex Martelli aleax at aleax.it
Thu Sep 13 06:32:15 EDT 2001

"Van Gale" <cgale1 at _remove_home.com> wrote in message
news:FNRn7.1262$6c5.58513 at news1.rdc1.sdca.home.com...
> "Alex Martelli" <aleax at aleax.it> wrote in message
> news:9nnknh02j8b at enews1.newsguy.com...
> > ...for *networking* purposes, probably.  It's likely to be pretty
> > soon a superior way to develop & deploy for the Windows *desktop*,
> > greatly reducing issues of component versioning and other aspects
> > of "dll hell":-).
> Interesting.  If that's the case, maybe I'll be using it sooner rather
> later *grimaces*

Yeah, except there's no easy way from here to there if you
start with a typical (e.g.) C/C++ implementation chock full
of "unmanaged" (normal!-) pointer use.  Well, unless your
application is a collection of well-separated COMponents,
in which case gradual migration of the app is well supported,
but each COMponent still needs very deep re-coding to
become a shiny new compo.NEnT (you basically do have to
migrate it to another language, even if you choose so-called
"managed C++" to at least keep the powerful templates &c),
and some important part of the deployment advantages you
don't get until most or all of your stuff lives in the
"managed" world of the .NET Framework.

Sigh.  If anybody knows of resources (web, seminars,
whatever) specifically targeting the porting/migration
issues for C++-coded apps, I'll be glad of any pointers.
I was hoping to use the occasion to pump for Python,
but given the recent exchanges about PythoNET I guess
the opportunity just won't be there.  Oh well:-(.


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