bsddb3 vs zodb

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Thu Sep 20 23:07:35 EDT 2001

Peter Hansen wrote:
>I'm pretty sure a single ZODB FileStorage can only be used from within
>a single Python program

Nope.  I've run ZODB, outside of Zope, with two different
FileStorages.  Even broke some of my code, since it showed I
was sharing an object across the databases.

Errm, just realized I don't know if the FileStorage's were used
sequentially (open/close/open/close) or in parallel (open/open/

Easy to test ....  Yep, just opened two ZODBs at the same time.
But I don't know how to commit one without commiting the other.

>unless you run Zope itself and perform all
>database accesses using one of the defined protocols such as HTTP or FTP,
>or maybe use SOAP or XML-RPC.

My test was all in the same process.

                    dalke at
  I thank Andrew Kuchling for last year pushing the use of
ZODB outside of Zope.  It's been an extremely cool.

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