Stackless Python and Python 2.x

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Sep 4 21:15:15 EDT 2001

(I think I got the attributions right...)

    Tim> BTW, the book "Advanced Programming Language Design" is available
    Tim> online:

    Doug> This is a good piece of information. I'm out of work right now,
    Doug> with time to improve my understanding, but without the
    Doug> inclination to buy US$50 computer books.

    Aahz> What part of "available online" do you not understand?

    Gareth> What part of "This is a good piece of information" do you not
    Gareth> understand?

With all due respect to everyone involved, there are a couple things not
immediately apparent from Tim's original response:

    1. What is available online is the content of Chapters 1 through 10 (all
       the chapters).  While that seems to be a pretty amazing thing for a
       commercial book publisher to do, it is expressly meant for online
       viewing only.  It has no (page numbered) table of contents, no
       glossary, no bibliography and no index.  It seems to be missing
       between 120 and 130 pages.

    2. At the beginning of each chapter is a footnote that reads:

           On line edition copyright (c) 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing
           Company.  Permission is granted to print or photocopy this
           document for $0.02 per page, per copy, payable to Addision-Wesley
           Publishing Company.  All other rights reserved.

       An abbreviated copyright notice is printed on all other pages.

So, while the content available online is certainly useful, and may be just
what Doug needs, perhaps all those other things that are missing, plus the
effort and cost required to print over 350 pages (about $0.05/page plus
$0.02/page to A-W, for a total of about $25) makes buying the book instead
of just perusing the online content an attractive proposition.

Amazon is advertising used copies starting at $19.95.  If you work hard you
can probably find it for less.  It is, after all, a textbook, the sort of
thing that tends to get sold back to campus bookstores.

Skip Montanaro (skip at

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