Please - LET Me Market For You!

Robert Sand infosand at
Mon Sep 3 03:22:56 EDT 2001

Hi! My name is Melissa Foster and, while YOU may have been stuck 
behind your computer for hours a day last weekend, I took the weekend 
off - and STILL had over a hundred people not only COME to my website, 
but also PAY MONEY.
 Are YOU spending HOURS every day, posting to safelists like this one, 
beating your head against the wall trying to "come up with" ads and 
headlines that stand out in this flood of emails we all get - and STILL
not making money online?
 Listen, I hate to burst your bubble, but unless YOU are one of those 
"natural born salespeople", you can spend HOURS every day, day after 
day after day, doing the SAME THING you've been doing, and STILL never 
make any money - WHY would you do that? You might as well send out an 
ad that says "CLICK HERE to LOSE money online!!"
 There are HUNDREDS of people who QUIT that and let ME set up a 
completely AUTOMATED marketing package - many of whom are now making 
money for the FIRST time in their lives because they let ME market FOR 
 Think I'm crazy? See for yourself at 
 This is not about hype - it's about common sense - and YOU can see 
how YOU can spend two hours or less ONE TIME turning on a completely 
automated marketing package that I will write and set up for you - and 
then spend 10 mins a day managing it. And YOU can start seeing a DAILY 
flow of people paying YOU as well.
 I know - you've heard it all before - but the fact remains that I do 
it for HUNDREDS - and HUNDREDS of normal, average people like YOU are 
now having success for the FIRST time.
 Find out how - and find out WHY - at 
Learn how to make at least $5,000 a week. Discover the secrets of 
how to live a life full of pleasure, money, and free time! And do 
not think I am going to charge anything for this information. No! 
Act today and it is absolutely FREE for you.

Its normal cost is $99.95, but for now I am just giving it away!

Check my web site to see all the details. It is simple & easy to 
learn and best of all FREE!

Check my web site:
Imagine what 500,000,000 ad submissions would do to your hit rate. 
Now they could be yours - FREE! 
For more information go to this page now...
Get 548,004 FULLY AUTOMATED FFA and classified ad submissions, EVERY
DAY, for 6 full months! Go to this web page now...
WHY The 'Average Joe' FAILS At Marketing!

You've got an online business now - you're posting to FFA pages - now 
what? 'Cuz we both know it's not working out quite as well as you 
 Want to see people who DO succeed online? They don't write ads, and 
they surely don't post to FFA pages - I write the ads, I talk to their 
prospects AND their customers, and I set them up with a complete 
AUTOMATED marketing package - website, autoresponders, follow ups, etc.

 Want to see how much better THEY like THEIR businesses? They're 
getting "sign-up's", they're making sales, and they get checks - week
after week after week - every Monday.

 Uh oh - doesn't sound like what you're doing? Please know - it is NOT 
your fault. But WHY are you busting your behind trying to be the 
marketer you are not - when I am willing to do ALL of that for you?

See it all for yourself at 
<a href="">
<img width="468" height="60" 
border=0 alt="Join Going Platinum"></a> 
Check out this:

Robert Sand
Sands Information Co.

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