No spam in books

"Jürgen A. Erhard" juergen.erhard at
Sun Sep 30 19:44:43 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Martijn" == Martijn Faassen <m.faassen at> writes:

    Martijn> Alex Martelli <aleax at> wrote:

    >> We're supposed to make it *LOOK* that way, yes, but, hey, deep
    >> down many of us aren't driven by *application needs* in
    >> tinkering with tools.  At least, I know I am not, and I've
    >> known many other geeks who feel the same.  The tools are the
    >> FUN part -- pity we have to justify the tools' existence by
    >> looking for problems they will help solving!-)

    Martijn> Lots of us work that way, but I also know several
    Martijn> programming types who don't. This is actually quite
    Martijn> awesome and wonderful if you get to work with these
    Martijn> people on a project. You can do all the tools to build
    Martijn> the tools to build the tools framework design, and when
    Martijn> you actually need to use it all (the boring stuff) the
    Martijn> other person leaps up in joy and does most of it for you!

    Martijn> Definitely recommended. That way I can stay a lazy
    Martijn> programmer. :)

Recommended yes, I just don't believe you find such people that often.
Sad but true, I'm afraid.

I've met two types: the geek type (hacking is fun, hacking tools even
more so), and the "this is just a job" type.

The later... well, I find it hard to imagine someone like that "leap
up in joy".  :-P

Bye, J

      Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard at, jae at
          My WebHome:
              "vi has two modes the one in which it beeps
              and the one in which it doesn't" -- Alan Cox
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