Translating a Perl regex into Python

C. Laurence Gonsalves clgonsal at
Fri Sep 7 18:31:59 EDT 2001

On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 13:13:56 +0200, Stephan Tolksdorf <andorxor at> wrote:
>I'm having a problem to translate a complex Perl regular expression which
>I've found in the Perl faq. To be honest, I haven't tried to fully
>understand it, but it seems to flawlessly strip all c++ like comments from
># The Perl regex from the Perl faq
>content =~
>But I'm getting "sre_constants.error: unexpected end of regular

AFAIK, Python regexes (a la the re module) are exactly the same as Perl
regexes. I think your problem here has to do with escaping/quoting
rather than regex syntax.

Try just taking the original Perl regex, and just wrap r'''...''' around
it. ie:

rex = \
    r'''|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|.[^>/"'\\]*)''', re.M | re.S)

(I've split the string in two for posting purposes...)

Incidently, it looks like that regex also matches string literals and
char literals.

  C. Laurence Gonsalves                "Any sufficiently advanced
  clgonsal at                     technology is indistinguishable          from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke

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