Python embedding & question about autoconf and dynamic linking

Mads Bondo Dydensborg madsdyd at
Fri Sep 28 18:06:01 EDT 2001

Hi there

I am trying to use Python as an embedded interprenter. Whilst it is quite
easy to understand the C interface, I have found it _very_ hard to figure
out what flags I need to pass to the linker to get a succesfull
compile. It seems to depend rather heavily on a lot of parameters.

So, my first question is if there are any autoconf macros out there that
will work for me, sort of like a AM_PATH_SDL macro? I have been searching
around, and found one from on of the KDE libs, but it seems to break
rather quickly for everything else than Python 1.5 (which it seems to be
only partly succesfull in anyway).

My next question is with respect to dynamicly linking to the python
interprenter, when embedding it. All info I have been able to find, points
towards linking statically with libpython.<version>.a - however, this adds
about 660KB to my application, and in general I would much rather link to
a .so file - but I have not been able to find "such a beast" or
instructions on how to build one. Is it possible? Or is there a clever
way arond this kind of problem that I - beeing a clueless newbee - have
totally overlooked? (Maybe some weird extension trickery?)

Thanks in advance!


Mads Bondo Dydensborg.                               madsdyd at
Unix is simple. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity
                                 - Dennis Ritchie

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