Trying to build Ming SWF-output library with Python?

Joal Heagney s713221 at
Sat Sep 29 20:53:34 EDT 2001

Antaeus Feldspar wrote:
> I have been trying to install the Ming software library for output of
> SWF ("Flash") files on my Linux box, and the Python bindings.  As far as
> I can tell, installing Ming went without a hitch, but the Python
> bindings were considerably hitched.  In particular, trying to make
> "mingc.pyd" seemed to be the major problem, as it resulted in the
> following log:

For those who are interested, I've managed to build a src.rpm package
for Mandrake Linux. Just drop me a line and I'll email it to you.
      Joal Heagney is: _____           _____
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