mxODBC and apostrophe's in strings

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Wed Sep 12 04:25:16 EDT 2001

Ben C:
>_text = "This is some really 'extraordinary' text read from a file

>SQLExpress = "INSERT INTO table (Date, Time) VALUES (" + _date + ",'"
>+ _text + "')"

>Does anyone know of a workaround for this keeping in mind that any
>combination of ASCI characters could appear in the _text string.

Hmm, haven't used mxODBC but the mySQL interface has a way to
do the proper escapes. ... Looking at the mxODBC docs, how about

SQLExpress = "INSERT INTO table (Date, Time) VALUES (?, ?)"
cursor.execute(SQLExpress, (_date, _text))


                    dalke at

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