POP3 messages: '=' always followed by '3D'?

Markus Schaber markus at schabi.de
Thu Sep 20 17:17:32 EDT 2001

Steve Canfield <stevecanfield at my-deja.com> schrub:

> I'm using poplib to retrieve email messages.  Whenever the text of the
> message contains an equals sign, it is always followed by '3D'.  Why
> is this?  To get the original text, do I have to do a
> search-and-replace operation on every line to convert '=3D' to '='?
> For example, if the message contains this:
>   <abc def='ghi'>
> it will be retrieved as:
>   <abc def=3D'ghi'>
> Am I missing something painfully obvious here?  Any suggestions for a
> easy and fast way to fix this?

This looks as the sender (or some converting mail server inbetween) 
used the Quoted Printable encoding. There, lots of characters 
(including the "=", and all characters with an byte value higher than 
127) are encoded by an = followed by the hex representation of the byte.

The messages usually have an Header saying:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I'd recommend you to read the appropriate RFCs, and perhaps the codecs 
in the Python standard library already have a Quoted Printable decoder.

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