Delete pb at

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Fri Sep 7 18:43:19 EDT 2001

>>>>> "TR" == Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> writes:

    TR> Everytime I have posted in the last day or so, I have gotten a
    TR> 'can't deliver' or 'delivery refused' email for
    TR> pb at (the first two letters may not be exactly
    TR> right, but the domain is).

    TR> Has anyone else had this problem?  Could this be a result of
    TR> the gating to the python mailing list, with a bad address?  If
    TR> so, could the list manager remove xx at

A /lot/ of people have complained about this.  It's doubly broken
because no correctly functioning MTA should bounce errors back to the
original sender for mailing list messages (i.e. Precedence: bulk).

This person has been removed from the list.


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