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byron okubasu anangwe okubasu at
Thu Sep 13 08:54:42 EDT 2001

          I am a Land Surveying student at the Kenya Polytechnic. I came across your website from a link from and I was very interested.
          I am currently undertaking a project in geodesy where I am to develop a program to convert geodetic co-ordinates (longitude, latitude and altitude) to plane co-ordinates (X, Y and height) and vice-versa.
What I would like to know is: -
 How much time is it going to take to learn python with experience of programming in BASIC and FOTRAN?
 Can python support scientific and mathematical computations such as iterations, obtaining values of a particular item from list of a predefined set to use in an equation?
 What problems would I be likely to encounter?
Youre advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Byron Okubasu Anangwe
P.O. Box 51403
C. Square
okubasu at

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