Using Python As an Extensibility Library

Alex Martelli aleax at
Fri Sep 7 08:42:29 EDT 2001

"kmalloc" <kmalloc at> wrote in message
news:fa1faa6a.0109070256.2cc2d875 at
> 1) I understand it is possible to run client code using an
> already-set-up context containing classes, variables and functions.


> How do I exactly do that?

Several ways, depending on your exact setup.  For example,
if you get a string from somewhere that should be one or
more Python statements, and want to run THAT "client code"
in an "already-set-up context", the key function, quite
akin to Python's exec statement, is:

PyObject* PyRun_String(char *str, int start,
    PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals)

The 'start' symbol is e.g. Py_file_input.  The globals
and locals are Python dictionaries, where you prepare
whatever context you want.  There's a similar PyRun_File
to save you from reading the file into a string in
memory to execute it the same way, if the "somewhere"
you're getting the source code from is a file:-).  Or,
you could access from your C/C++ code Python's standard
rexec module if you can't trust the Python code you're
to run, and so want to restrict its execution.

> 2) I have unsuccessfully tried to programmatically create a Python
> class in an existing module dictionary. All I got was an access
> violation...
> Can anyone explain to me how to do that "the right way"?

Defining Python *classes* in C isn't trivial -- I would
suggest you look into C++ and Boost Python, or Fuller's
ExtensionClass, or other such approaches, if you really
need that (but Python 2.2, when it matures, will probably
let you use a *type*, which you define in C, in a very
close way to a class, so you may not really need it...).
You can probably get away with a type, MUCH easier to
define, and then if need be wrap it in a Python class so
that client code can inherit/override/&c.

You may want to start with a look at
a truly minimal type defined as a Python extension, with
its factory function and two accessors as sole entries in
their own modules (it doesn't even expose Python-visible
methods or attributes... you can only use it through the
accessors -- that's to make the example really minimal,
although already of some peculiar usefulness:-).

It's not a class, it's a type, so Python code can't
inherit/override, BUT, no worry -- you can also supply
the Python code yourself that *wraps* the bare C type
to make it more Python-friendly, much in the spirit of
(though you can't directly use that recipe as it relies
on the type it wraps already having attributes, it's not
too hard to adapt it).

Once you have a "PyObject* bleep" of whatever description,
wherever it comes from, and a "PyObject* themod" that is
an existing module already known to Python, it's easy to
make bleep visible to Python as the attribute 'Kook' of
themod: see:
int PyObject_SetAttrString(PyObject *o, char *attr_name, PyObject *v)
and just call PyObject_SetAttrString(themod, "Kook", bleep)
(and check it returns 0, just in case:-).
You can get themod from any of the PyImport... functions,
of course, depending on your exact needs.

Adding your own C-coded modules to Python before you
initialize Python when embedding it is easy -- see
int PyImport_AppendInittab(char *name, void (*initfunc)(void))
(or the more general PyImport_ExtendInittab).  But if
you want the Python snippets you will run to access your
extension-objects without doing import themselves, you'll
probably want to add some of your objects with whatever
names are appropriate to __builtins__...


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